Touching from a Distance
"We established some ground rules in this first project, and one of them is that if you have an idea, make sure everybody notices. So, if you have two shades of grey, make sure they are different enough so that they don’t blend into one shade of grey.” Miroslav Pazdera interviews Oliver Lütjens und Thomas Padmanabhan for the magazine MAG DA Reader 2024 Touching from a Distance.
magdamag.sk -
Lütjens Padmanabhan, wie entsteht eure Freude an Architektur?
Katharina Benjamin and Angelika Hinterbrandner talk to Oliver Lütjens und Thomas Padmanabhan about the joy of design, the challenges of office life, their experiences as jury members, and the potential of low-cost housing.
kntxtr.podigee.io -
Richard Neutra and the Cousins from Abroad
Oliver Lütjens and Sebastian Multerer will be architects in residence at Richard Neutra's VDL House. Together with students from Cal Poly Pomona and guests from Los Angeles, they will conduct the workshop Richard Neutra and the Cousins from Abroad from January 8 to 18. Oliver and Sebastian will give a double lecture at the VDL House on January 17 at 6:30 p.m.
neutra-vdl.org -
Voting für den Publikumspreis: Die Besten 2024
Der S, M, L, XL Längsbau auf dem Zwhatt Areal ist für die Besten 2024 von Hochparterre nominiert. Das Voting für den Publikumspreis läuft. Wir freuen uns über jede Stimme :)
publikumspreis.hochparterre.ch -
Dialogue on Doubt
Thomas Padmanabhan will take part in the symposium Dialogue on Doubt organised by Sebastian Multerer and Christian Inderbitzin, Chair of City and Housing, Department of Architecture, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on Friday, November 8 from 9:00 until 18:00.
kit.edu -
Begin Again. Fail Better
The group exhibition Begin Again. Fail Better curated by Manuel Montenegro, Helen Thomas and Marco Bakker, where we are showing drawings from our project for the Swiss ambassador's residence in Algiers can now be seen at EPF Lausanne's Archizoom exhibition space. Archizoom, Bâtiment SG, EPFL, 5 November to 2 December 2024.
epfl.ch -
Begin Again. Fail Better
The group exhibition Begin Again. Fail Better curated by Manuel Montenegro, Helen Thomas and Marco Bakker, where we are showing drawings from our project for the Swiss ambassador's residence in Algiers can now be seen at EPF Lausanne's Archizoom exhibition space.
Archizoom, Bâtiment SG, EPFL, 5 November to 2 December 2024.
epfl.ch -
Buchvernissage Hammer 1
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will discuss the subject of space and structure as part of the debate on the book Architektur Machen by Silvano Ursella.
architekturbasel.ch -
Cousins and Friends
Thomas Padmanabhan will be teaching the Di Tella University of Buenos Aires Winter Workshop Cousins and Friends with Celine Bessire and Jacob Höppner. The focus of the workshop is an extension to an iconic building located along the Avenida 9 de Julio, taking inspiration from a number of the artistic universes of selected artists forming a group of Cousins.
utdt.edu -
So sehen Wohnungen im Loft-Stil für 1400 Franken aus
"Wenn günstige Wohnungen gebaut werden, erwartet man nichts Zweistöckiges im Loft-Stil. Doch genau das bietet der sogenannte Längsbau auf dem Zwhatt-Areal in Regensdorf." Anna Bérard writes about the Längsbau Zwhatt project in Regensdorf, Zürich in the issue of March of Zürcher Unterländer. Picture from Sybille Meier: project leader Julia grosse Darrelmann und Thomas Padmanabhan.
zuonline.ch -
What do you carry in your pocket?
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan write a short poem for UC Berkeley's "Room One Thousand" journal", celebrating the Tipp-Ex fluid corrector that accompanies their way of designing plans.
roomonethousand.com -
Wir freuen uns über den 1. Preis im Projektwettbewerb Am Ueberlandpark der ASIG. Die Wohnüberbauung im Dreispitz Zürich Schwammendingen wird in Zusammenarbeit mit Luca Selva Architekten und Westpol Landschaftsarchitekten geplant. Unser Teilbereich umfasst 185 Wohnungen, ein Doppelkindergarten und eine Vielfalt an Räumen für die Gemeinschaft, die in vier von acht Gebäuden auf dem Areal erstellt werden.
International Architecture Festival Yerevan
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will lecture at the international Architecture Festival taking place in Yerevan, Armenia, from September 3rd to September 9th.
npatak.com -
Lecture at Torcuato Di Tella University
Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Composite Figure as part of the workshop Cousins and Friends organised by the Center for Contemporary Architecture Studies (CEAC) of the Torcuato Di Tella University in Buenos Aires on Friday, August 09 at 19:00 (UTC-3).
utdt.edu -
Lehre als Versprechen
"Sehr geehrter Professor Pieper, lieber Meister! Die Architekturlehre entfaltet ihre eigentliche Wirkung mit großer Verzögerung. Erst nach vielen Jahren wird sie im gebauten Werk fruchtbar. Meine Dankbarkeit eines Schülers an seinen Lehrer möchte ich hier zum Ausdruck bringen." Thomas Padmanabhan writing a contribution to the book Baugedanken edited by Anke Naujokat, Verena Hake, Bruno Schindler, Björn Schötten on the 80th birthday of the architect and construction scholar Professor Jan Pieper.
Costs and benefits
"The Zwhatt longitudinal residential building of Lütjens Padmanabhan, rejecting the equation that matches habitat quality to the nobility of the construction components, takes as its starting point an effective mutation on the part of the younger generations." Federico Tranfa writes about the longitudinal building H1 in the issue 958 of Casabella.
casabellaweb.eu -
Architektur leicht gemacht
"Mit der Frage, was genau Schweizer Identität ausmachen könnte, befassten sie sich nicht erst, nachdem sie […] den Wettbewerb für die Residenz des Schweizer Botschafters in Algier gewonnen hatten. Aber der Auftrag bot die Gelengenheit, dieses Bild zu reflektieren und ein exemplarisches Bauwerk für dieses neue Selbstverständnis zu entwerfen." Susanna Koeberle writes about the work of Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekt*innen in the issue 7/8 2024 of Das Ideale Heim.
meter-magazin.ch -
1st prize, innovative Grundrisse Hamburg
We are happy to have won 1st prize for our high-rise typology in the competition "New ideas for Hamburg's subsidised Housing Construction" organised by the city of Hamburg. We will be showing our contribution in the exhibition organised by the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, which deals with current issues and challenges in the design of residential floor plans. Jupiter Hamburg, Mönckebergstraße 2-4, 20095 Hamburg, 3-10 July 2024
www.hamburg.de -
House of the Month AR
"The house itself, grounded in a universal language of modernism, does its job of subverting formality and the distinction between public and private by using strong diagonals and unexpected architectural relationships. It is a rich, intriguing platform for diplomacy." Tim Abrahams writing about the new residence of the Swiss Ambassador in Algiers for the Architectural Record which has selected the project as AR's "House of the Month".
architecturalrecord.com -
Solaris Hirzenbach
"Die einzelnen Module bestehen aus einem matten, transluzenten Glas mit einem Raster aus quadratischen, dunklen Solarzellen dahinter. Die anfänglich geplante Gitterroststruktur dient nun als Trägerin der neu entwickelten Module und findet Ihre Entsprechung in deren geometrischen Hell-Dunkel Rastern." Marcel Bächtiger writing about the balcony extension to one of the buildings of the Hirzenbach residential development in the Solaris#09 issue of Hochparterre.
Gestapelte Lofts
"Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten antworteten mit einem räumlichen Kniff und stapelten die geforderten Kleinwohnungen als Maisonette-Lofts übereinander zu einem Terrassenhaus." Andres Herzog writing about the Zwhatt Längsbau project in Regensdorf, Zürich, in the June issue of Hochparterre.
hochparterre.ch -
The Mannerist Mind
"At the beginning of this book, mention is made of a group of European firms which are said to exhibit manifestations of what has been defined as a mannerist attitude. […] Perhaps only the Swiss duo of Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan, based in Zurich since 2007, has spoken directly and more than once about their interest in mannerism or the influence of Venturi, which in itself, in the Swiss context, could certainly be considered anathema." Francisco González de Canales writing about the Binnigen project and the emergence of a new Mannerism amongst European architecture practices in the book The Mannerist Mind.
actar.com -
Swiss Arc Award
The Swiss Building Documentation has shortlisted the Zwhatt Längsbau sufficiency project for the Swiss Arc Award. We are honoured, together with the client Pensimo Management AG and all the planners involved.
baudokumentation.ch -
Arquitetura Entre Vistas
Ana Catarina Silva speaks with Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan about the joy they find in the architectural process, their dedication to precise modeling in it and their exploration of thinness as a language imbued with both seriousness and lightness.
open.spotify.com -
Figura Composita
Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Figura Composita organized by the University of Naples on Thursday, April 18 at 17:00.
laboratorioa402.com -
Composite Figure
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Composite Figure organized by The architecture uncomfortable workshop for the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on Wednesday, April 10 at 16:00.
epiteszforum.hu -
Soft Power Architecture
"Undermining the traditional monumentality of an embassy - and upending the symbolic power dynamics that come with it - the new residence is an oasis in a garden." Anniina Koivu writing about the Swiss Ambassador's Residency in Algiers in issue 37 of Disegno Journal.
disegnojournal.com -
Lecture at Stockholm University
Oliver Lütjens will give the lecture On The Model organized by the University of Stockholm on Wednesday, March 27 at 16:00.
thinkingthroughmediums.info -
Complexity in functionality
"Die Struktur aus harmonikaartigen räumlichen Versätzen löst mittels ihrer offenen Ecken sanft die Trennung zwischen Erschliessungsflächen und den einzelnen Bürozellen auf. Dieses loftartige Raumkontinuum mit bewusst vermiedener klarer Funktionszuschreibung der einzelnen Zonen zielt darauf ab, die Kommunikation und den Zusammenhalt zwischen den Mitarbeiter*innen des Konsulat zu fördern." Viktoriya Yeretska writes about the Swiss Consulate General for the Swiss Performance 2024 issue of Archithese.
archithese.ch -
322a Site
As part of the group exhibtion Small Architecture we will be showing the Algier Tray. The show at the 322a Space will be curated by MOS Architects and include projects from Go Hasegawa, MAIO Architects, Monadnock, MOS Architects, Sean Canty and Something Fantastic. Cecilia Grierson 322a, Buenos Aires, from March 23rd 2024.
chamberprojects.com -
Hollein Calling Book Lauch
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will discuss the architectural legacy of Hans Hollein with Maria Conen and, Raoul Sigl in an evening dedicated to the Austrian architect and moderated by Lorenzo De Chiffre, Benni Eder, aund Theresa Krenn for the launch of the book Hollein Calling: Architectural Dialogues at Never Stop Reading Zurich on Friday, March 1st at 19:00.
neverstopreading.com -
Regensdorf Loftwohnungen zu vermieten
The maisonette lofts in the longitudinal building H1 are ready for occupancy and can be rented from now on.
www.zwhatt.ch -
Discussion on the book Architektur Machen
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will discuss the subject of space and structure as part of the debate on the book Architektur Machen by Silvano Ursella.
hochparterre-buecher.ch -
Petra Blaisse Book Launch
Oliver Lütjens and Helen Thomas will discuss with Petra Blaisse, founder of the acclaimed studio Inside Outside, the book Art Applied Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse at Teo Schifferli’s studio in Zurich on Wednesday, February 28 at 18:30.
ausstellungen.gta.arch.ethz`` -
Lecture at Tongji University
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Composite Figure organized by the Tongji University as part of the lecture series Frontier of Architecture: Practice & Theory - Persistence of Vision on Thursday, December 14 at 19:30 (CST).
caup.tongji.edu.cn -
What If
As part of the exhibition What if - Unbuilt Architecture in Switzerland we will be showing our largest model, the 1:50 model for the Untere Winterthurerstrasse competition. The show at the S AM Swiss Architecture will be curated by Andreas Kofler. S AM Swiss Architecture Basel, November 25 to April 07, 2024.
sam-basel.org -
Teaching Together
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Teaching Together organized by the Czech Technical University in Prague as part of the lecture series November Talks on Monday, December 4 at 18:30.
fa.cvut.en -
Formen der Gemeinschaft
Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Formen der Gemeinschaft at the Museum of Modern Art Wörlen in Passau on Wednesday, November 15 at 19:00.
tano.de -
OMA’s Kunsthal in Rotterdam und Dutch Dwellings
Oliver Lütjens und Maarten Delbeke will discuss with the authors Tibor Pataky und Dick van Gameren the books OMA’s Kunsthal in Rotterdam and Dutch Dwellings at Never Stop Reading Zürich on Thursday, November 16 at 19:00.
neverstopreading.com -
Silence trans
"Designing is about killing your darlings. It is about making choices and overcoming fears of losing something". Oliver and Thomas talk about their work, their practice as teachers and the importance of commitment in the architectural profession for Silence Trans magazine's 43rd issue.
verlag.gta.arch.ethz.ch -
“We embraced the idea that the façades are made of layers, and that one could feel the thinness and the lightness of its surface rather than the mass. It can still be powerful, yet gentle and sometimes even open, like a question.” Oliver Lütjens reflects in the interview with Eddie Guo and Yuhui Zhang in the Vol. 10 of Inflection Journal how the sufficiency accompanies the design process and practice of Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekt*innen.
inflectionjournal.com -
Evenings with invited Guests
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will talk about their practice at ETH Zürich as part of the lecture series Evenings with invited Guests on Tuesday, September 26 at 18:00.
arch.ethz.ch -
Darstellen und Erkennen
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Darstellen und Erkennen followed by a discussion with the artist and lecturer at the ArchitekturWerkstatt St Gallen Katharina Immekus and the philosopher Susanne Brauer in the series Begegnung at the Architektur Forum Ostschweiz in St Gallen on Monday 25 September at 19:30.
a-f-o.ch -
Hollein Calling
As part of the group exhibtion Hollein Calling we will be showing the projects Algier, Waldmeisterweg and Binningen in dialogue with works by Hans Hollein. The show at Architekturzentrum Wien will be curated by Lorenzo De Chiffre, Benni Eder und Theresa Krenn with works by Almannai Fischer Architekt:innen, baukuh, Bovenbouw Architectuur, Claudia Cavallar, Aslı Çiçek, Conen Sigl Architekt:innen, doorzon interieur architecten, Expanded Design, Martin Feiersinger, David Kohn Architects, Kühn Malvezzi, Manthey Kula, Monadnock and OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen. Architekturzentrum Wien, Museumsplatz 1, September 21st, 2023 to Februar 12th, 2024.
azw.at -
Visiting professors at ETH Zürich
As of the fall semester 2023, Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will be teaching as visiting professors in architectural design at ETH Zürich for the next two years.
arch.ethz.ch -
Der zweibeinige Stuhl
As part of the group exhibtion der zweibeinige Stuhl we will be showing a series of lamps and tables. The show at Galerie Mark Müller will be curated by Susanna Koeberle, Frédéric Dedelley and Jörg Boner. Galerie Mark Müller, Hafnerstrasse 44, 8005 Zürich, September 1 to October 28, 2023.
markmueller.ch -
Porto Academy in Mendrisio
As part of the summer school Porto Academy Mendrisio, Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will be teaching the workshop Ticino and the Cousins from America. The workshop takes a light-hearted approach to the theme of adaptive re-use by cross-breeding the architectural languages of the Ticino Tendenza with their contemporaneous cousins from the Americas.
portoacademy.info -
Zwhatt's Up
The building shell for the sufficiency project Zwhatt is completed!
Zwhatt -
Architektur machen
"Die Frage nach der Definition von etwas ist ja im Prinzip die Frage nach dem Verhältnis eines Dinges zu seinem Kern. Ein Maler entdeckt die Dinge beim Malen, (..) und wir entdecken sie im Prozess der Architektur. Sie sind nicht a priori da." Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan talk about their practice in the book Architektur machen Schweizer Architekturschaffende im Gespräch .
quart.ch -
Befragung eines Materials
Oliver Lütjens und Thomas Padmanabhan sprechen am Beispiel der Fassade vom Waldmeisterweg über das Faserzementkleid.
https://issuu.com/hochparterre/docs/hochparterre_swisspearl_d?fr=sYjU0NjUxMTczNTQ -
Forms of Community
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give a lecture on Forms of Community at Syracuse University New York on March 22 at 7:15pm local time. Tune in!
Zoom.us -
On Sufficiency
Oliver Lütjens will speak on the topic of sufficiency at the symposium More Than Fifteen Years : Six Takes on Housing After the Neoliberal Turn organized by the Rice University of Atlanta.
arch.rice.edu -
Postmodern, aber frei von ironischer Distanz
As part of the series <Baukultur 1975-2000> by Hochparterre, Oliver Lütjens presents a building by Roland Gross located in Russenweg in Zürich.
hochparterre.ch -
A Book on Making a Petite École
The book by MOS comprises a compilation of design exercises for children by an invited group of architects with a contribution by Lütjens Padmanabhan.
actar.com -
Studio Voices of Change at Harvard University GSD
This spring, Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will be the Kenzo Tange Design Critics at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. The studio Voices of Change is looking at the transformation of Los Angeles' warehouses into cooperative housing. The idea is to give architectural form to a more sustainable and more just way of life. The studio believes that the answers should be rational and personal simultaneously, and that they can only be found by going through the unforeseeable messiness of the creative process.
harvard.gsd.edu -
Feine Fassaden
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan talk about the Open order with the example of Herdernstrasse in Zürich. In the book Feine Fassaden Lando Rossmaier presents together with Karin Ohahshi and his students a selection of projects that stand up to the prevailing arbitrariness and meaniglessness of contemporary architecture.
quart.ch -
Here comes Zwhatt
Construction of the long-House on the Zwhatt site in Regensdorf has started and is advancing with great strides! The Zwhatt documentary examines the transformation of the site, one of the largest urban planning projects in Switzerland, from a multitude of perspectives.
Zwhatt.ch -
À la recherche de la limite inférieure
Lisa De Visscher spoke with Oliver Lütjens about their work as a statement in times of crisis and whether sufficiency can offer an architectural response to that crisis.
a-plus.be -
Lecture at the Centre for Fine Arts Bozar
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan are invited by A+ Architecture in Belgium and Bozar to give a lecture about their practice at the Centre for fine Arts in Brussels on November 22nd at 19:00.
bozar.be -
Forms of community
Oliver Lütjens will give a talk to the students of Sophie Delhay's studio "Domestic City" at EPFL architecture.
epfl.ch -
A collection of interviews at Kingston University in London to find the human stories behind the work of those transforming the discipline. A project by Matthew Wells.
Open House Zürich 2022
Thomas Padmanabhan gives a tour through the Kanzleistrasse project as part of Open House Zürich 2022. Reserve your spot for the tour on Saturday, October 1st from 10 to 12 pm online.
openhouse-zuerich.org -
Lecture at the University of California Berkeley
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give a talk about their practice at 13:05 (PST).
vimeo.com -
Austellung "Sprengkraft Raum"
Oliver Lütjens will give a talk for the vernissage of the exhibition Sprengkraft Raum – Architektur um 1970 of Pierre Zoelly, Rudolf + Esther Guyer, Manuel Pauli und Fritz Schwarz. The event takes place on September 27 at 18:00 in the university ZHAW.
zhaw.ch -
1. Preis Wohnüberbauung Göbli
We are delighted to have won the 1st prize in the project competition with pre-qualification for the Göbli Baar residential development! We welcome the planning of 101 apartments for four of the six buildings on the site.
«Wie Smalltalk an einer Party»
"How and for what does the office use Instagram?" Read Oliver Lütjens' interview for Hochparterre about the use of Instagram at Lütjens Padmanabhan office. Read the full article online or in the printed August '22 issue of Hochparterre.
hochparterre.ch -
Learning “Space” from Shinohara
Oliver Lütjens will give a talk on his relation to the work of Shinohara as part of a Swiss-Japan Architecture Conference hosted by the Architekturforum. To be seen at Architekturforum Zürich on Thursday 1st of Septmeber from 10:30 am on (CET).
af-z.ch -
On Bramante
"Pier Paolo describes the moment Bramante arrives in Rome. He sees the ruins, and the ruins are gigantic... He experiences the sheer power of these structures... and he sees their capacity to transform the city. " Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan review the book On Bramante from Pier Paolo Tamburelli. Read the full review online on Drawing Matter.
drawingmatter.org -
The Unbearable Lightness of Building
"In referencing a wide-ranging set of cultural touchstones, their work feels urgent and closely linked to conditions of contemporary construction. Pragmatism and plurality undergird their buildings’ resolutions." Tiffany Xu writes about the work of Lütjens Padmanabhan in The Architect's Newspaper issue from June '22 .
archpaper.com -
The three Lamps UHU, FLAMINGO and SCOTCH are now available through gallery FakeAuthentic.
fakeauthentic.gallery -
Switzerland Architecture Japan
Thomas Padmanabhan will give a talk together with Stefan Wülser, Yuko Nagayama, Shigenori Uoya and Yujin Hirase at Architekturforum Zürich as part of the series Switzerland Architecture Japan on Saturday May 14th at 11:00 pm (CET).
af-z.ch -
Five Good Swiss Plans
Thomas Padmanabhan will give a talk on the floorplan of Herdernstrasse as part of the online Symposium Five Good Swiss Plans hosted by the University of Melbourne, in association with the Embassy of Switzerland in Australia. 10th of March 2022, 18:00-21:00 (AEDT UTC+11).
youtube.com -
Lecture at the University of Illinois Chicago
Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Glueing is Committing, organized by the University of Illinois Chicago on Wednesday February 2nd at 13:00 pm (CET).
youtube.com -
Option Studio at Harvard GSD
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will be teaching an option studio at Harvard University Graduate School of Design in Spring 2022. The studio Utopia: Forms of Community will look beyond function and typology to find a new sensibility for a new way of life. It will focus on the design of cooperative apartment buildings in Boston.
gsd.harvard.edu -
1. Prize competition Unterfeld Substation
Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekt*innen win the competition for the façade of the Unterfeld Substation in Zug/Baar. The new building for WWZ is part of Circulago, a regional, sustainable energy net powered by the water of Lake Zug.
wwz.ch -
Venice Studio Melbourne
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will be teaching at the free online summer/winter-school Venice Studio Melbourne from January 8-18, 2022. Venice Studio Melbourne @ MPavilion, is a suite of ultra-short design studios and public programs (held online over zoom and broadcast live into the MPavilion) hosted by established and emerging international offices of architecture and urbanism.
Apply here -
Lecture at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give a lecture on Facade / Interior / Exterior / Autonomy / Heteronomy, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile -
Workshop at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will be teaching the workshop Forms of Community at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile this Autumn Semester. Based on the history of a household of a local community, the design workshop seeks to explore the idea of transformation in housing.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile -
Lecture at The Cooper Union
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Houses and Housing, organized by The Cooper Union in New-York.
cooper.edu -
The Practice of Architecture
Maria Conen, Jonathan Sergison and Oliver Lütjens will give a talk as part of the exposition The Practice of Architecture at the forum d'architectures Lausanne.
archi-far.ch -
Auszeichnung guter Bauten Stadt Zürich 2016-20
The City of Zurich has awarded the house am Waldmeisterweg with the Good Building Award. We are delighted together with our client the PWG Foundation, and all the planners involved. Image: Georg Aerni.
stadt-zuerich.ch -
For the Love of Architecture
Die Liebe zur Architektur (For the Love of Architecture) is a series of five online talks curated by the Swiss architect Peter Märkli, hosted by the Architecture Foundation. In this final part, Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan discuss the exchange of architectural ideas between Europe and America with Michael Meredith and Hilary Sample of the New-York based MOS Architects.
youtube.com -
F / A FakeAuthentic LIFE OF THE OTHERS
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give a talk together with Haring & Voud and fala atelier organized by F / A FakeAuthentic as part of the lecture series Life of the others on Monday June 7th at 12:30 pm (CET).
youtube.com -
"Ich glaube wir schauen Dinge immer aus unserer jetzigen Zeit, aus unserer jetzigen Perspektive an, sowohl das Bild aus Venedig wie auch das Bild von der Agglomeration. Wenn ich mir vorstelle, dass ich nach Venedig gehe und mir all die schönen Kirchen und Palladio-Bauten anschaue, dann gehe ich mit ein paar Nike-Sneakers durch die Stadt und nicht mit ein paar offenen Sandalen oder wahnsinnig teuren, handgemachten Lederschuhen." Oliver Lütjens und Thomas Padmanabhan führen in der Lila Strauss Ausgabe Agglotypen ein Gespräch über Agglomeration.
Lila Strauss -
Book «On and around architecture – Ten conversations»
"We never fight over an expressive detail, we never fight over narrative, you know, romatic narrative form. We always fight over the difficult classical order, or structure. And that's very exciting: there can be phases of just twenty minutes of model making, and then a discussion, then thirty minutes of model making, in this kind of staccato of conversation and model making. That's the most exciting phase of it." Thomas Padmanabhan in the book On and around architecture – Ten conversations which features a conversation about models between Oliver Lütjens, Thomas Padmanabhan, Jonathan Sergison and Stephen Bates.
Order here -
Vortrag an der TU Braunschweig
Oliver Lütjens und Thomas Padmanabhan halten den Gastvortrag Offene Form mit einem anschliessenden Gespräch mit Professor Dan Schürch in der Reihe ARCHITEKTURPOSITIONEN am Architektur Department an der TU Braunschweig.
iad-bs.de -
Lecture at The Royal Danish Academy
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give the lecture Typological Uncertainty, organized by The Royal Danish Academy as part of the lecture series The Complex Interior.
The Royal Danish Academy -
Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give the talk "Binningen and Beyond" as part of the lecture series Skizzenwerk, organized by architecture students of the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).
Skizzenwerk -
Five on Five Lecture at Harvard GSD
Sean Canty, Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan will give a talk as part of the conversations series Five on Five organized by The Architecture Department at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design.
gsd.harvard.edu -
The Therwill Terraced House is featured in DOMa, Issue 03. Next to a variety of model shots, tipp-ex drawings, construction details, and iphone images the thirty page feature contains new photographs by Stefano Graziani.
Order here -
Image Book
"We find models much more productive than renderings for example. Renderings have an incredibly short half-life. In an model, you can clearly see the proportions, the expression, the plastic effect and the relationship of details to the whole much better then in a rendering. The model leaves some things more open. It suggests something that is not there yet but already has its own reality." The book Image features a conversation between Anja Dotter and Oliver Lütjens on images and models.
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Formstarke Leere
"Die Architektur von Baukuh ist sich des Groben und des Unvereinbaren ihrer Bauweise bewusst. Edle Materialien werden nicht verbaut. Es ist eine Architektur der schwindenden Mittel. Mit ihren klaren Gesten und dicken Linien erinnert sie ein Stück weit an die Pop-Art, in deren Arbeiten das Unpräzise, Rohe und schnelle etwa des Siebdrucks als stilistisches Mittel benutzt wurde." Der Text Formstarke Leere von Oliver Lütjens und Thomas Padmanabhan über den Flagship-Store Birrificio Angelo Poretti in Varese von Baukuh erscheint mit Bildern von Stefano Graziani in der April 21 Ausgabe von Werk, Bauen + Wohnen.
Werk, Bauen + Wohnen -
Log 50: Model Behavior
"We are literally confronted with the task of transforming an ugly volume into architecture through the design of the facade! That also explains the strange slippage between interior and facade that we often exprience when we struggle to find an adequate exterior expression." Thomas Padmanabhan in The Log fall issue, which features a conversation about models between Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan with Michael Meredith from the New-York based MOS Architects.
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Correspondances podcast
Anlässlich der Ausstellung XXX die III. – correspondances diskutieren Oliver Lütjens und Thomas Padmanabhan mit Susanna Koeberle und Jörg Boner im Podcast der Galerie Mark Müller über Objekte und Figuren.
open.spotify.com -
XXX die III. – correspondances
As part of the group exhibtion XXX die III. – correspondances we will be showing a series of lamps and tables. The show at Galerie Mark Müller will be curated by Susanna Koeberle, Frédéric Dedelley and Jörg Boner. Galerie Mark Müller, Hafnerstrasse 44, 8005 Zürich, November 7 to December 19, 2020.
markmueller.ch -
Next Year in Yemen
Thomas Padmanabhan's account of drawing Yemen as a first year architecture student in 1993 is published on Drawing Matter. 'Knowing that there was the possibility of a civil war, I felt a strange sense of urgency. I was aware that I might never be able to return, and that some of the buildings I sketched during my journey might be destroyed in the near future.'
drawingmatter.org -
Architekturpreis Kanton Zürich 2019
Lütjens Padmanabhan Architects and the PWG Foundation and have been awarded with the 2019 Architecture Prize of the Canton Zurich for the house on Waldmeisterweg. The award is presented to clients and architects who have shown exemplary commitment to the realisation of high-quality architecture, and whose submitted projects have demonstrated urban and architectural qualities on the theme of "COLLABORATIVE!?".
architekturpreis.ch -
Scaffold Podcast
Matthew Blunderfield speaks with Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan about references, irony and the relationship between construction and truth.
Listen to the podcast on soundcloud or itunes. -
Alternative Histories
Lütjens Padmanabhan will contribute to the exhibtion Alternative Histories curated by Jantje Engels and Marius Grootveld, in collaboration with Drawing Matter and the Architecture Foundation. Acknowledging that architecture is a corpus of inherited ideas, Alternative Histories invited more than 80 contemporary practices in the UK and Europe to imagine an exchange with architects from the past. 23 March–14 April 2019, 6 Cork Street, Mayfair, London. Open Saturdays and Sundays only 11am–6pm.
drawingmatter.org -
Auszeichnung Guter Bauten
The house in Binningen has received the award Gute Bauten 2018 from the cantons Basel-Landschaft and Basel-Stadt. The exhibition is on display at the Kleine Theaterplatz in Basel and at the forecourt of the government building in Liestal until November 12.
auszeichnungguterbauten-bl-bs.ch -
4th prize Baugewerbliche Berufsschule Zürich
Our proposal for the Baugewerbliche Berufsschule Zürich has been awarded with the 4th prize. The exhibition of this open competition with 103 entries can be visited at Zollstrasse 36 in Zürich until September 18.
zh.ch -
Architektur und die Welt Podcast
Tilla Baganz spricht mit Oliver Lütjens über Fassaden, die Renaissance, die Lehre und das Entwerfen zu zweit.